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Home Dialysis Universal Staff Education Courses


Commit to encouraging all staff in the facility complete the modules and discuss how what you have learned could change the way you approach home dialysis. Upon completing the courses, please fill out the evaluation you are directed to and let us know what you think. The ESRD NCC team will be updating these modules with your feedback in the future.

Each course will take approximately 30 minutes to read. The courses can be read on a tablet or computer. On the last page of course 3, please use the link to complete the evaluation. After you submit the evaluation, you will be redirected to the Learning Management System to obtain continuing education units (CEUs). If you are not automatically redirected, please contact the ESRD NCC at Upon receiving an 80% score on the quiz, you will receive your CEU certificate.


Course One: Toward Home: Understanding and Empowering Dialysis Choices

Course Two: Clearing the Road to Home: Overcoming Barriers and Misconceptions to Home Dialysis

Course Three: Putting It All Together To Make a Difference

Quick Start Guide

Outlines a short list of tactics to consider when using the Nephrologist Roundtable, Home Dialysis Heroes, and Universal Staff Education.