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Your search for concept change resulted in 22 hits

Change Concept 6: Secondary AV Fistula Placement in Patients with AV Grafts

Evaluate graft patients for placement of a secondary AV fistula. Staff should consider every graft patient a candidate for an AV fistula and should evaluate each patient for an AV fistula before the graft fails. In this way, a plan will be in place for providing the patient with an AV fistula when...

Change Concept 3: Early Referral to Surgeon for "AVF Only" Evaluation and Timely Placement

When possible, coordinate chronic kidney disease patient care so that patients will be referred early to surgeons specifically for AV fistula evaluation, including vein mapping where indicated, allowing sufficient lead-time for AV fistula maturation. Studies show that mapping vessels can...

Change Concept 5: Full Range of Surgical Approaches to AV Fistula Evaluation and Placement

Surgeons who are skilled in vein transposition techniques are able to create successful AV fistulae in a substantially greater number of patients. These options require vein mapping and a surgeon’s willingness to put in the additional time and effort. Make sure surgeons understand the logistics of...

Change Concept 4: Surgeon Selection Based on Best Outcomes, Willingness, and Ability to Provide Access Services

Collect data on the surgeons in your community to find out who has the skills and interest in placing fistulae. Choose surgeons who are willing and able to do AV fistula construction. Nephrologist/skilled nurse performs appropriate evaluation and physical exam prior to surgery...

Change Concept 12: Modify Hospital Systems to Detect CKD and Promote AV Fisutla Planning and Placement

Early identification, early education, timely referral to nephrology, and coordination with discharge planning will provide patient and family support in making decisions related to renal replacement therapy and vascular access. Hospital stays provide an additional opportunity for early diagnosis...

Change Concept 13: Support Patient Efforts to Live the Best Possible Quality of Life Through Self-Management

Patient self-management support will increase patients’ skills and confidence in managing their health problems, including goal setting, regular assessment of progress and problems, and problem-solving support. Patient achieves optimum treatment outcomes and health status through...

Home Dialysis Universal Staff Education Courses

Commit to encouraging all staff in the facility complete the modules and discuss how what you have learned could change the way you approach home dialysis. Upon completing the courses, please fill out the evaluation you are directed to and let us know what you think. The ESRD NCC team will be...

National Patient and Family Engagement Learning and Action Network (NPFE-LAN)

The Patient Voice Drives Quality Improvement! The NPFE-LAN is a partnership between patients, family members, caregivers, and dialysis providers. Where patients, family and caregivers are the subject matter experts (SMEs). SMEs share their stories, ideas, and perspectives on how to improve the way...

Learning and Action Network Call Series

Welcome to the Learning and Action (LAN) Network Series A LAN is an improvement initiative that brings together healthcare professionals and clinicians, patients, and community stakeholders to achieve rapid, widescale improvement. The LAN model includes collaborative projects, online events, and...